Bacopa Monnieri: A Plant for Treating Memory and Brain-Related Disorders

Various medical discoveries have been integrated over the years as a way to help prevent, and even heal certain illnesses. There are different plants and herbs that have been utilized and studied to provide medicinal value to humankind. This includes the rise of Bacopa Monnieri, which is a plant used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, a healthy lifestyle system in India. This plant is known to improve one’s cognitive development, popular for its ability to treat memory disorders, anxiety, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), certain allergic conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, and even thyroid health.
Bacopa monnieri has been recognized as a plant that treats memory and brain-related disorders. It holds the capability to increase certain brain chemicals that are involved in thinking, learning, and with memory. This herb has been studied and discovered that it has the potential to improve cognition while having to extract its ability to improve memory during free-recall tests. Additionally, bacopa also has the power to protect brain cells from chemicals involved in Alzheimer’s disease.
Several studies have been conducted to ensure the effectiveness of this plant. Mostly done on elders, but still showed several benefits. This has been one of the proofs that Bacopa Monnieri can be consumed by people of all ages.
Boosts Brain Function
Bacopa monnieri has been popularly recognized to be helpful in enhancing brain function. It is considered as a super food for the brain. It has the power to build up the activity of mood-boosting elements inside the brain, improve blood flow within, faster uptake of oxygen of the brain, and even better absorption of nutrients. Studies have shown that drinking supplements containing certain Bacopa elements, have improved spatial learning and the ability to retain information as well. The same study also found out that it has the ability to increase dendritic length and branching. Dendrites are referred to as parts of nerve cells in the brain, closely linked to learning and memory.
Moreover, a test in which adults have been observed after taking 300mg of Bacopa Monnieri supplements daily showed that the speed of processing visual information, learning rate, and memory, has significantly improved.
Helps Reduce ADHD Symptoms
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a mental or neurodevelopmental disorder. This is common for children, primarily caused by genetics. This disorder is characterized by symptoms such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness. And with Bacopa Monnieri’s power in terms of cognitive function improvements, it has been proven that it can help reduce ADHD symptoms. Given that Bacopa Monnieri can be taken regardless of age, children can consume medicines containing this herb.
Research has shown that children aged 6-12 years old may take 225 mg of Bacopa extract regularly for around 6 months. It then can significantly experience reduced ADHD symptoms. This includes restlessness, poor self-control, inattention, and impulsivity. Taking an herbal blend that contains 125 mg of Bacopa monnieri also has the power to improve attention, cognition, and impulse control.
Although the outcome of the studies may sound overwhelming, research and large-scale studies still has been continuously done to examine other effects of the plant. This is needed before it can fully be recommended as a treatment.
Prevent Anxiety and Stress
Bacopa monnieri is also considered an adaptogenic herb. This means that it can increase your body’s resistance to stress. Which also means it has the ability to help prevent anxiety and stress overall. Consuming this herb has been proven to elevate the mood and relax the mind as well. It regulates the levels of cortisol, which is referred to as the primary stress hormone of the body. Moreover, it also has the power to decrease perceptions of stress while performing certain tasks.
Certain studies have shown that consuming or taking at least 300 mg of Bacopa monnieri regularly can significantly reduce anxiety and depression scores. It can be comparable to those of lorazepam (benzodiazepine), a prescribed medication and treatment for those with anxiety. But still, given the results of the research, more large-scale human studies are needed to confirm its effects on stress and anxiety. Though it can still be consumed as it has not shown any side effects.
Key Takeaway
Bacopa Monnieri has been known for a variety of benefits, as herbal remedies for different ailments and disorders. But one of the popularly recognized benefits is for the treatment of memory and brain-related disorders. This is in particular with boosting brain function, helping reduce ADHD symptoms, and preventing anxiety and stress. Though this is the case, more large-scale studies and research are still needed. It must be done in order to prove that it really is significantly considered to be a treatment.