Period Acne – Why It Happens And How You Can Get Rid Of It

Even if you haven’t had your first period yet, we know you’re super excited about it. You’re about to become a woman! You’ll be able to have babies and get married. And maybe even travel the world and take over the reins at work. But not all girls experience their first period without some troubles along the way—and they’re often unexpected ones like acne. So what’s going on here? Is this a normal part of growing up or something more serious? How can you prevent it from happening again in the future? We’ve got answers to these questions and more below:
What is period acne?
The term “period acne” refers to a form of acne that occurs during the time of the menstrual cycle. Hormonal changes cause the skin’s oil glands to become overactive, resulting in acne. The hormonal fluctuations also cause the cells on your face and body to build up faster than usual, which can lead to clogged pores. Over time, these clogged pores become inflamed and swollen. As a result, your skin looks red and irritated during this time of your cycle (1). keyword, pacman 30th anniversary
Why does it happen?
Hormones, stress and puberty are to blame for most cases of period acne. During a woman’s menstrual cycle, there is an increase in the amount of testosterone (a male hormone) produced by the ovaries. This causes an imbalance in your skin’s pH levels, which leads to breakouts.
So what should you do if you’re prone to monthly acne flare-ups? The best way to deal with period acne is through prevention:
- Wear SPF! Sunlight can lead to more oily skin and therefore cause blemishes.
- Don’t touch your face! If you find yourself constantly touching your face or rubbing it with hands that have been touching other things (like phones), stop doing it immediately because this will only spread bacteria around your body even more quickly than usual.* Wash your pillowcase every week! Let’s repeat that: wash the pillowcase on YOUR bed every week.* Eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables
How to get rid of it
To get rid of your period acne, you need to:
- Use a face wash that is designed for acne and follow the directions on the packaging.
- Wash your face twice a day, in the morning and evening.
- Avoid makeup and other products that may clog pores, like moisturizers with oils or waxes.
- Exfoliate at least once a week (more often if needed). You can use an exfoliating wash or scrub to exfoliate your skin; just be sure not to use any scrubs with large beads or granules—they will irritate irritated skin even more!
You can get rid of period acne.
If you’re dealing with period acne, you’re in luck. There are a few simple things that can help get rid of your breakouts and keep them at bay.
- Use a gentle cleanser: A face wash with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide will help dry up those pimples and balance out the skin on your face and neck. Don’t expect it to work right away though—it takes some time for these ingredients to do their thing. Be patient!
- Use a toner: After washing your face, use a toner with witch hazel to remove excess oil from the surface so that your skin doesn’t get clogged up again.Exfoliate at least once a week (more often if needed). You can use an exfoliating wash or scrub to exfoliate your skin;
Now that you know more about period acne, it’s time to put that knowledge into action. You can try out some of these remedies for yourself and see if they work for your skin type. If not, there are plenty more options available online. Just remember that there is no one-size fits all solution; rather than judging yourself or others too harshly on their methods (or lack thereof), we should take what works best for us personally with an open mind.