Traffic? – Certainly sir how much do you want?
here i have posted answer of the question Traffic? – Certainly sir how much do you want?

What types of traffic are there?
So you have the best website money can buy, you’re extremely proud of your finished product, but still, no one is buying it. Why?
Your final profit is easily calculated, it is a factor of the number of visitors * conversion rate * profit per visitor.
But the killer question is always how much traffic do I have? And further, are the visitors who will buy my goods?
With this simple statement in mind, let’s look at the main sources of traffic on the Internet today.
Traffic from a search engine
Best because it’s free. The worst is because it is easily carried away. JV operation is risky. It can be easily obtained for relatively low-competition keywords with a simple knowledge of SEO best practices.
Each search engine orders web pages for any given term according to its own proprietary algorithm. This algorithm is usually based on the various factors described in the SEO checklist, but the weighting used will vary for everyone. if you want relevant and targeted website traffic you can hire Seo company in jaipur
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There are currently 3 main search engines: Google, Yahoo, and MSN. by the way Google is the most used search engine in the world.
For more competitive conditions, the SEO checklist is still applicable but will require additional efforts in key areas of the same key factors. You can research the competition through these useful tools.
Directory listings
They are not as massive a source of traffic as they once were. Directory submissions are now much more useful for proving your link popularity, which is a key factor for search engine rankings. The most popular free and paid directories are included in our directory listings.
Paid advertising
Banner advertising once reigned supreme, but today it is widely accepted that most website visitors suffer severely from banner blindness. Visitors have seen so many banners over the years that they are subconsciously tuned out when they look at the web today.
Much more effective in today’s market is a basic text link. No wonder the link is text only! These form the basis of advertising in many Pay-Per-Click advertising campaigns. Pay Per Click is the concept of paying only for website visitors who click on your link. So you only pay for visitors to your site and not every time your banner or text link is displayed.
The two biggest PPC engines are Google Adwords and Yahoos Overture. PPC allows you to immediately drive traffic to your site without having to weigh in so that your SEO skills are appreciated by search engines.
Guaranteed traffic is a term used for relatively inexpensive traffic, usually purchased in bulk. Traffic is usually generated by a popup or popunder on another site and in my experience, this has not proven to be very effective.
Traffic exchanges
These tend to fall into 2 general styles. First, ad exchanges are a reciprocal agreement, usually through a cooperative site, to add a piece of code to your pages that display ads on your site. In return, your site will be displayed on the websites of other members according to the weighting factors of each cooperative.
The second, traffic exchanges, require you to browse web pages presented in a central location. You earn points based on how many pages you’ve viewed, and you can spend those credits to promote your site in the same way on other browsers.
Repeat Visitors
So often overlooked. You’ve done the hard work of getting the first visit to your site, now get them to stay and come back later for more. There are various ways to make your site sticky, these include: – including a newsletter and a suitable registration form, providing good content, either written by you or obtained from the wealth of free information on the Internet.
Simple things like including contact details and using auto-responders appropriately can make all the difference.
Viral marketing
A rather flashy title for a collection of techniques that are sound but often forgotten. Such examples include: – writing your own articles, building communities through forums, offering free items/bonuses/contests, creating your own e-books, and publishing press releases.
If you are selling your own product, one of the most successful methods will undoubtedly be to start your own affiliate program and get others to sell for you.
It’s not really a traffic category per se, but if you’re diligent, you can get a thorough web analysis of your contests, traffic, links, and ad placement. This market information will in turn lead to additional opportunities to drive visitors to your website.
After a while, it all just becomes good fun!
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