Smart Graft Hair Transplant: Benefits And Its Cost
Smart graft hair transplant uses the FUE technique. The hair follicles are removed from the sites where the hair is healthy and are transplanted to the affected sites. The transplanted hair will cycle through the growth process three months after the operation. The hair will then continue to grow through the phrases as hair would normally do. Unlike FUT, smart graft hair Palm Springs does not need large strips of hair to be removed, which means you experience less scarring and downtime after the surgery. You will also get to enjoy a more natural appearance. The surgery involves one in-office procedure under local anesthesia, which takes about five hours to complete. Then you can continue with washing within the days of the procedure. Learn more on the benefits and costs of smart graft hair transplant Palm Springs.
The Benefits of Smart Graft Hair Transplant
Smart graft hair restoration treatment is best for those suffering from hair loss issues requiring non-invasive procedures. The treatment is best; if you live around Palm Springs, you are recommended to opt for this treatment. Here you will find highly experienced surgeons. They understand all hair treatment methods that create an unparalleled outcome not experienced in other hair restoration clinics. Suppose you are interested in this treatment; you will be required to engage in a virtual consultation. The consultation is non-obligated, and all conversations are private and confidential.
You get to enjoy several benefits from a smart graft hair transplant. Most clients opt for this treatment because it has the following benefits;
- A more natural appearance
- Less scarring
- Reduced downtime
- The surgery is conducted in the doctor’s office
- Recovery is always quicker
- Provides the desired outcome.
You can benefit from this treatment if you suffer from any hair loss. What makes smart graft hair transplant better than other hair loss treatments is that fewer steps are required when performing the procedure, which means that the procedure can be conducted much faster compared to others. Minimal handling is not needed when performing a smart graft hair transplant, unlike when performing the FUE hair transplant process.
Another benefit of this treatment is that you will not need pain medications following the surgery. Most patients can return to their normal chores in about one week. Your new hair follicles will start to grow shortly after the surgery if you follow the aftercare instructions carefully.
The surgery is effective for both men and women. And It is also generally effective for all skin types. Even if you have undergone follicular unit transplantation, you benefit from this procedure as long as you have enough healthy hair follicles at the donor site.
Smart Graft Hair Transplant Cost
Smart graft hair transplant costs vary depending on the number of hair grafts needed for the surgery. The average cost for this treatment starts at $8000, and the outcome will vary based on your personal goals.
Most patients, on average, get between 500 and 1500 grafts, costing between $4 and $7 per hair graft. The procedure is a permanent hair grafting solution, which takes us to the abovementioned average price.
Note that not every cosmetic surgeon is well skilled in performing a hair transplant treatment. Only a qualified and experienced surgeon can help you achieve the best outcome. Most qualified surgeons are not cheap; therefore, you need to invest in getting the best outcome. Find a surgeon that has extensive training in performing smart graft hair transplants. Hair transplants are a cosmetic procedure, so you are responsible for all costs.
Several hair restoration options are available in the market, making it challenging to find the best treatment. But smart graft hair Palm Springs is among the simplest and most effective ways to help restore your hair. As you have noted, the treatment has several benefits. First, it is popular because it is the most advanced method available. It is also faster compared to other forms of FUE, and it can get the whole transplant in a few steps.