Search promotion of medical website in medicine marketing

The data indicate that the demand for a medical website is not decreasing due to the increasing quality of players and branches, the availability of paid treatment, and the increase in the coverage area of medical clinics on the territory of million-plus cities and regions.
Medical marketing will also continue to invest in Internet communications, a large part of which will be search engine marketing.
Promotion of a medical website
Free audit and promotion strategy. Result guarantee. Growth of primary patients at the 2nd month.
SEO promotion in medicine
A medical SEO services for a professional is, by and large, no different from another service resource. The basic principles of building the site structure must be implemented, the presence of well-developed commercial elements is mandatory, the creation of a keen interest in the trade offer on the site is compulsory, and most importantly, the mechanism for how to get this trade offer. Put how to call, come, and send an application.
And if you are a representative of medicine who read this article, then the promotion issue is relevant. So here is our selection of recommendations on how to start making traffic to Yandex and Google.
Competitor analysis
The first and most important thing you need to know is who your competitor is in the search results. After all, if the leader has gained a foothold in the TOP, if the leader is stable enough and this is not some flash and cheat, then you should take a closer look at the following things:
- For what queries the player is in the TOP Yandex / Google
- What metadata is written on the page in the TOP
- What commercial elements does the player use?
- What is displayed on the competitor’s page (prices, reviews, doctors, videos, infographics, etc.)
- How is the menu and structure of the competitor’s site done? Pay attention to navigation and nesting.
- What design elements does the competitor use?
- Estimate through a special operator the total number of indexed pages in Yandex Search, which is necessary for a general understanding of the size of the site.
- Assessing the availability of a mobile version of the site
- If possible, parse the link profile of the entire site, for example, Megaindex or Xtool – it’s free.
- We parse traffic through open sources, such as
You need to get 3-5 strong websites in the search results (not to be confused with the context) that sell 70% of the same services as you and are also very active in traffic.
Checking Medical website
After a brief breakdown of competitors, we enter all the information into an Excel spreadsheet and proceed to evaluate our site. To begin with, we go into the rabbit hole – Yandex Metrica and take a slice of traffic for the entire period.
We emphasize that it is necessary to evaluate the entire period because this is the only way to see trends. In SEO, it is considered a normal story when a site grows by 100-300% per year or more. However, if your traffic from year to year does not master even 30%, and even worse, shows a negative trend, this is an alarming signal.
Surely you understand this. You feel it in the number of incoming calls and patients. The hypothesis of degradation of organic traffic is confirmed, as a rule, by increasing PPC purchases to compensate for the drop in patients.
So, you have fixed a stagnation or a drop in traffic, and the situation only worsens. You need to dig further and check vital traffic and commercial requests. And there is no commercial traffic if you do not consider contextual advertising.
We look at the share of traffic from Yandex and Google to understand where the drop comes from and from which search engine. We look at the regionality of traffic, traffic, and visitation devices and carefully study the medical website design.
As a result, you, or with the involvement of an agency, will be able to identify a huge amount of information on the current situation of site traffic, and learn more about the visitor, how they think and what they are looking for. And if the problem is in promotion on the face, we read the article further.
Checking the medical website structure
There are three types of demand – high, medium, and low. As a rule, the normal categorization of the site begins to form due to the top order. For example, “Treatment of arthritis” is a high-frequency competitive request.
Most sites have such pages. But marketers and owners, according to our practice, in 80% of cases, do not work out the average and lowest demand.
And therefore, the site does not have pages such as “Treatment of arthritis of the elbow joint” or “Treatment of arthritis of the hand.” Checking the availability of pages is very simple by searching for a specific site through the filter in Yandex PS
This is the basic rule for building an SEO site structure – working out the semantic core from Top to Low demand by creating a tree-like navigation system and page nesting. The site’s design must also satisfy the user in terms of logic and search engine robots.
Promotion of a medical website
Free audit and promotion strategy. Result guarantee. Growth of primary patients at the 2nd month.
Semantic core
Let’s start with selecting key queries, which is extremely time-consuming if you have never done it yourself. You can and should contact the Digital marketing agency and save a lot of time, and we have been dealing with medical websites for many years. Or purchase such a powerful tool as Key Collector, get basic training on Youtube, and start collecting on your own.
The selection of keywords is made as follows.
- We fix all the services provided by the medical clinic.
- We determine the priority of services in the promotion. This can be done according to the cost, the demand for the service, and its marginality.
- We select keywords for services.
- Requests are divided into clusters, that is, into groups of recommendations. These queries will be used to create a new page and its optimization.
- Opposite the clusters, the link to the new or current page.
Do not confuse pure commercial words with informational ones. Informational or near-commercial under the “Blog” of the company.
Metadata and Text
After the semantics are collected, cleaned, and clustered, we prepare the metadata.
- Title – the page’s title in the browser’s address bar. A crucial aspect of the promotion
- Description – Description of the site page, often used in the issuance of PS
- Keywords – a tag responsible for the key queries for which the page is being promoted
- H1 – page title
Remember that preparing meta tags requires not only knowledge but also experience. Therefore, it is important to make headlines that rank well in search engines and have a high click-through rate at the TOP.
Keep in mind that the design of this data will be your business card on the TOP, and the more attractive it is for a potential client to complete all the necessary descriptions, the more benefits it will bring in the future.
Now it’s time for the texts. In the medical field, many underestimate this type of content and treat it superficially, which we believe is incorrect. When evaluating your competitors, which you independently identified earlier, you need to check the uniqueness of their texts, the number of characters, the principles of constructing paragraphs, the presence of photos and pictures, icons, infographics, separators, and pictograms.
Based on the information received, we form the terms of reference for the texts based on the following:
- Text lengths
- Text headings and own promoted semantics
- The number of occurrences of keywords in the body of the text
- Number of clue occurrences
We send the received TK to the copywriter for writing texts. The first works can upset you because of logical deformations in the text – accept it because exchange texts will never answer 100% of your requests.
The ideal option for writing quality material is to do it yourself or hire a copywriter. And in his free time from writing texts, instruct him to administer social networks.
Implementation of improvements to the website
So, if you are not exhausted yet, you will have to work hard and add all the work done on semantics and texts to the website. We place the text materials received from the copywriter on new and current pages and enter metadata into the special fields of your site’s administrative panel.
We send the received URLs for re-indexing in Yandex Webmaster and Google Search Console. Plus, we uniqueize the texts in a special section of the Webmaster.
Technical optimization
Most likely, you will need to connect programmers to solve problems on:
- Removing technical duplicates
- Setting up 301 redirects
- Configuring SSL if not already installed
- Setting up Robots and Sitemap
- Setting goals and events in Yandex.Metrica
- The closure of technical domains, affiliates, and other sites spoiling karma
This is just a little that the programmer under your control has to do.
Control of the received results
The first thing to look at is positions. Many tools parse positions, the best of them being TopVisor. Next, we check how the aggregate traffic curve in Yandex Metrica changes and whether there is at least a minimal increase. The next step is to evaluate the growth of incoming calls in the form of rings and applications.
Website promotion work should be carried out monthly, which requires a lot of time and resources from the performer of this work.
Our company is ready to prepare a free comprehensive website audit for your medical clinic. We will show your business’s key “sores” and growth points in Search.