7 Benefits of Instagram Brands Likely Don’t Know
Benefits of Instagram featured image
Instagram is more than just a way to get jealous of your friend’s vacation photos. Although it hurts to see (comprar seguidores instagram portugal) those travel images while you sit at work, the benefits of Instagram are far-reaching.
Just think about the massive amounts of new products and services you’ve likely discovered on Instagram through paid social media ads or friends tagging brands you’ve never heard of in their posts. Of course, social media connects us, but what’s difficult is getting those connections to your most important business assets–your customers.
At the same time, we know creating, managing, and maintaining an Instagram account is daunting. It takes significant time and consideration to make it work and drive sales.
Before you say–we don’t have the resources–consider this data from an upcoming PowerReviews health and beauty report. We found that 35% of U.S. shoppers between 18-29 use Instagram to research or buy health and beauty products.
For certain industries, leaving Instagram out of your buyer journey could seriously limit your ability to reach new customers. So to help you get on the right track, we’re providing a few tips. Here are seven benefits of Instagram that you might not know:
More Businesses & Consumers Are Joining Every Day
With more than 25 million businesses actively using sex hikaye Instagram to market to their target audience, it’s easy to see why so many people use the app to shop. In today’s instant-access retail world, shoppers want visual content to help them make buying decisions.
Not only do they want visuals, but consumers want this content from people just like them.
Power Reviews Snapshot for Ecommerce visual content graph
The Power Reviews Ecommerce Snapshot report found 72% of U.S. shoppers search for the visual content of an item before making the purchase. On the flip side, 3% of shoppers said they never look for visuals before buying.
The growing network of Instagram helps brands and retailers leverage visuals to describe better and detail their products. And as the network increases, shoppers understand that Instagram can be a reliable source for more product information and visuals. Check Now.
That means your target audience is already primed to see your content show up in their feed. Not only do you customers expect it, but Instagram has (comprar seguidores instagram portugal) made their app much more business-friendly in the last few years with various linking, landing page creation, and product tagging features.
Simply put, the company is giving you fewer reasons for your business not to join. The customer experience is important to so many brands and retailers, which is why Instagram continues to push these features. The benefits of Instagram grow with its user base, so it just might be time to join or significantly improve your marketing strategy.
Easy to Target (and Retarget) Your Audience
We know that targeting the right audience is key to the success of your ads. But how does Instagram help you reach your core audience?
Well, if you’re familiar at all with Facebook advertising, you understand the power and depths available to reach your audience. Some of the targeting features include:
Location: Whether you’re targeting a whole country or just one city, location isn’t an issue.
Demographics: Want to send your ads only to 37-year-old women who speak Catalan? Instagram can pinpoint language and gender demographics.
Interests: Base your ads on what your audience follows on Instagram, including other businesses that may be your direct competition. You also can base interests on ads they click and apps they use.
Behaviors: Define an ad’s audience by their actions on (and off) Instagram and Facebook. For example, easily retarget potential customers who have visited your website in the past but never made a purchase.
Lookalike audiences: Your followers are part of a specific person eager to see your content (and hopefully buy your products). So, you can target ads to people similar to those who already follow you or have purchased on your website.
Instagram ad set an example.
Instagram also offers automated targeting, giving you a head start in creating an audience that might be interested in your brand. Check out our Instagram sizes and advertising dimensions guide to get even more information!
Understanding Your Demographics
One of the biggest questions businesses have is their core demographics and where they shop. For Instagram, many brands and retailers chalk it up to a young person’s game.
But Pew Research recently found 40% of U.S. adults between 30-49 use Instagram and an overall 35% of adults use the app.
Pew research on Instagram demographics it’s important to not only know your core demographic but provide them the right channels to shop for your products. We already know those younger generations like Instagram, but targeting older demographics that might be more relevant to your brand is essential.
Use All the Visual Marketing Features on Instagram
As we mentioned, visual content empowers shoppers to make purchases with more in-depth details and images of what they want to buy. But that doesn’t mean you should add photos and videos of your products every day and call it a day.
Retailers are getting much smarter about how and where they advertise to shoppers on Instagram. Additionally, brands and retailers are creating better content on the platform because they’re focusing on the correct Instagram sizes and features that users enjoy.
For example, Overstock relies on Instagram Story ads to beautifully transition consumers to featured products in just a few seconds.
Over stock Instagram story example
As part of the process of repositioning their brand, Overstock created these video ads and saw an 18% increase in return on ad spend and a 20% decrease in cost per click. Creating engaging content is about capturing shoppers’ attention before they scroll or tap past your message.For More info Go Here.
To get the most out of your Instagram content, try these tips:
Use large text: Don’t make it difficult for viewers to send (comprar seguidores instagram portugal) your message on their mobile devices. However, using too much might get an ad rejected.
Be succinct:
No reason to try out your best Faulkner impersonation. The last thing you want to do is make your pitch 2 or 3 seconds into the ad. You have to give the value prop immediately.
Avoid over designing:
The point of your ad should be to blend in with user content. Sometimes it pays not to use overly-designed content.
Create a clear path:
With Instagram shopping, users can review products before moving to your site. Create seamless and easy paths to limit any second-guessing.
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