Cell Phone Spy App Industry: The Lies & Truths

You know what is the scariest thing about the rumor is. It spread fast like the jungle fire. It is hard to find the origin and reason of start sometime but the damage no doubt is very destructive. Even if is controlled or clear the side effects to remain there for a long time. Well, that was me after I heard some bad things about the user of monitoring software. One of my nieces was so against it as their company was using it as an employee monitoring app and she was always complaining about it. For example, how difficult it is to watch a soccer match during working hours as the software can notify the employer about the youtube streaming link. Now you can understand how manipulative the rumor and young generation can be. Yes, I said it out loud.
Thus the use of the cell phone spy app was something illegal or bad if you ask me. Till I found out about the details. My son came to visit me and he lost his tablet somewhere in the mall. I was so worried but he calmy said that no need to worry about it as I can track its location. That was something I have not heard. But within minutes he tracked the location and got the tablet back. Now that was some positive use of OgyMogy cell phone spy technology I needed to know. So I did some research and now I know the importance of this technology.
It is Unsafe!:
One of the biggest lies about the use of the spy app is that it is something unsafe. I thought the spy app installation may hack your system all of the data may be unsafe because of that. But it is not true. It is completely safe to use the app as the only user has access to an online dashboard where all the data is stored.
It Needs Special Skill?:
I am not a tech person so the biggest misunderstanding regarding the use of spy app was that maybe it needs special skill to handle such an app. That is a complete lie as anyone who has basic knowledge of smart gadgets can use the spy app easily.
It Is Not Economical?:
It is another myth about the cellphone spy app that they are costly and thus not economical to use as parental control or for small businesses. OgyMogy offers three different kinds of bundles for the user. You can choose anyone and can remotely use the app to keep a check on the target.
It Does Not Work?:
Another big lie about these apps is that they are just myths and do not usually work. It is not true. The app works efficiently and one can use it for parental and employee monitoring.
That is Illegal?:
It is illegal to use the app without the permission of the involved parties except for the minor kids or employees. It is completely fine to use the app for a minor kid or for employees(but the app must be used only on the company-owned device.)
Lets the Target Know:
No, your secret is safe as the app works in the background. So if you are worried that your kid might know about it worry not and confidently use the app.
It can be Installed Remotely?:
No, you need to have physical access to the target device at the time of installation.
Only One Kind of Package Is Offered?:
The various app offers multiple packages but the OgyMogy spy app offer three different kinds of bundle deals for the user.
Remote Relicensing Is Impossible?:
Don’t know about any other app but the OgyMogy android spy app allows the users to remotely renew the license whenever they want.
I am now a regular user of the OgyMogy cellphone spy app. I have even told about it to my daughter who is always worried about her kid’s safety. The parental control feature offered by the OgyMogy spy app is marvelous and can be very helpful for all parents. Similarly, it can also be used as an employee monitoring app. Make sure you install the app on the company’s owned device only.