Do these 4 yoga asanas including Katichakrasana, you will get rid of back pain
The problem of back pain has become a common thing nowadays. The problem of people suffering from this problem is increasing continuously. Earlier this problem used to knock with old age, but now young people in the age group of 20 to 35 years are also suffering from it. Its victims are usually women. Back pain is a condition in which you are unable to do any work properly. By the way, back pain can also be caused by lifting heavy weights, sitting or sleeping in one position for a long time, wrong way of sitting, and doing some wrong postures. Although this is a very common problem, if it is not taken care of, it can also take a serious form. Many times the problem of spondylitis has also been seen in youth after back pain, but it is not that there is no solution for it. There are some such asanas in yoga and exercise that have been going on for centuries, by practicing which you can get rid of the problem of back pain. If you are also troubled by back pain then this article is for you. Include these asanas given below in your daily routine.
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1. Katichakrasana:
Katichakrasana is a very effective posture, which helps you from reducing obesity to diabetes as well. The method of doing this asana sounds a little different, but it is very simple to do. To do Kati Chakrasana, first of all, you should stand straight by giving a gap of at least one fit between your legs. Now place your right hand on the shoulder of the left hand and take the left hand on the back of your waist. Keep in mind that during this time your hands should be in line with your shoulders. While doing this asana, you have to take sides on both sides. While inhaling, turn to one side and stay in this position for a few seconds, then repeat the same thing on the other side. Due to this type of position, there is a strain on the bones of the waist, which is very helpful for your pain.
2. Bhujangasana:
This is such an asana, in which you can feel the stretch of the waist, physiotherapists also recommend doing Bhujangasana. You can do this asana very easily. For this, first, lie down on a flat place upside down, join both your feet. Lift the upper part from your navel upwards. During this, you have to raise your flag while breathing, but you do not feel as much pain. During this, you have to keep your hands in the line of the chest. If you are not able to move your body upwards or feel more pain then do not do this asana at all. Doing so can also harm you.
3. Markatasana:
Markatasana is the best of all asanas, which gives relief to your back and back pain. Flexibility also comes in your spine by doing this asana. The method of doing this asana is slightly opposite from Bhujangasana. To do this asana, you lie down on a floor, pressing your hands under your waist. Now after taking a long deep breath, fold the lower part of your waist to one side and leave both hands open by spreading them. In such a position, your knees should be bent and your head should be in the opposite direction. If you want, you can bend one leg and straighten the other while doing the asana. You have to do this asana by turning on both sides. Markatasana also helps you with hip pain, bone disorder problems, and indigestion, etc.
If you are a fitness freak and want to know more about yoga poses, then you can join a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.
4. Tadasana:
It is very easy to do Tadasana. This asana can help in stretching or increasing your height as well. By doing this, the circulation of blood in the body also improves. To do Tadasana, you should stand completely straight. In this, you will keep both the hands straight above the head and the fingers will be stuck together. After this, slowly bring your toes upwards and make a slight stretch in the shoulders. Lower your toes up and down for some time 3 to 4 times. Keep in mind that you have to take a long breath while moving the claws upwards and exhale while coming down. If you do it in a precise way then it will help in controlling your pain.
5. Kandharasana:
Everyone from children to the elderly can do this asana. Its continuous practice will completely cure your back pain. To do Kandharasana, you have to lie straight on the floor. Keep both your hands in a straight position. Bend both legs. Keep your toes glued and slowly try to raise the flag below your head ie the waist part. Go up as far as you can. You have to stay in this position for about 10 to 15 seconds. With this, your weight will also be controlled and you will find yourself free from back pain.
By continuously practicing the 5 asanas given in this article, your back pain will definitely be cured. Keep in mind that if you have incomplete knowledge of any asana, do not do it. In this case, consult your physiotherapist or doctor.