There are different types of wastewater, municipal waste (household waste), which is liquid, is one of the environmental problems and has a very disturbing effect on existing waterways. This is due to certain components of the waste, especially chemical and biological waste.
These residues can in principle degrade by themselves in nature, but it takes a long time to neutralize them.
In order to speed up the neutralization of waste treatment systems, it may be necessary to decipher the biological and chemical substances in the water that can accept by nature without harming fish or plants. A process that would normally take several years to become natural, but with this system it only takes 12 to 24 hours of wastewater
The treatment plant usually consists of the following treatment units.
1. Primary treatment stage
A rod screen install in the tank as the first filter to treat the solids that settle or float and objects that can be dissolve in diameter. The purification process is excrete and determine manually.
2. The first stage of treatment
The initial treatment of the sewage plant takes the form of a floating oil or grease collection tank that is present. The tank is necessary because the waste that can be treat is domestic from the kitchen. After passing through the flotation unit, the settle solid waste is clarified in the primary clarifier.
3. Second stage of treatment
In the second stage of this experiment, the waste treatment process is basically a biological treatment process using a rotating biological contractor unit (RBC). The RBC is a pollutant degradation unit with microorganisms growing on a rotor disk (rotor disk) where the microorganisms grow and attach to the rotor disk to form a biomass/biofilm.
The waste water treatment in Pakistan generate in the high water level zone 4 is drain by gravity below the water level of zones 3, 2, and 1. The wastewater is treat by the biomass growing on strips in each successive zone of discs 1 to 4. The biomass growing in the carousel comes into contact with atmospheric oxygen during the time it is above the water level, resulting in oxygen transfer. The belt of biomass produce in the disk zone grows rapidly and gradually decreases in the next zone. Zone 1 has a stronger biomass physics and the filaments are dark brown again. On the other hand, the zone is very fine and is light brown or yellowish in color.
The effluent from zone 4 is fairly clear in terms of BOD content and suspend base material in wastewater . In this zone, most of the water is return to the tank after precipitation ceases, with some being use for end-use.
Recycling is a direct way to obtain water with a low BOD oxygen concentration but high enough to contribute to the weight of the new treatment plant.
4. Final treatment stage
This is the final settling unit of the secondary clarifier, which is use to reduce suspend solids and remove biomass particles.
The water that exits after these steps is clear and free of solids and is discharge into the river to the right.